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Upcoming Free Webinar -

"Women, Its Time to Release Anger"

July 18th 2024 9:00 a.m. PT



Many women are angry today... Either they are angry with patriarchy and/or their mother for a less than favorable childhood.


As an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, I see this anger in 80% of my clients. They come in feeling sad, angry, and victimized. This anger affects their liver, their digestion, and their mental health. It also hugely impacts their relationships.


After helping several women find more peace and calm, I can confidently say that we are powerful beings and we can choose to release our stuck energy from the past and bring ourselves into the present moment. We can reclaim our power and our happiness.


As per former Vedic Monk, Mother Maya, this is the time when the divine feminine energies are available to us women so we can release what doesn't serve us and step into our limitless power.


In this FREE webinar, you will learn:

  1. Why so many women are angry today?
  2. How this anger affect us and our future generations?
  3. Learn simple tools to release the anger.


About the Speaker

Anumeha Gupta is an ‘Intuitive’ Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Yoga Teacher, ThetaHealer® and Speaker. 

She does sacred work with moms to identify what are the barriers to their wellness and how they can get out of their own way!

She studied Ayurveda with Dr. Jay Apte as well as Mother Maya, a former Vedic Monk. She is also a ThetaHealing® Practitioner. 

You can contact her at [email protected] for any questions.




Thursday, July 18th 2024 at 9:00 - 10:00am PT


Thursday, July 18th 2024 9:30 - 10:30pm IST

All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar.

Book your Free Spot today!

“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”

- Herman Hesse

What Past Attendees Are Saying... 

Dr. Sujatha Udeshi, INDIA

“This Workshop was simple yet powerful.  Anu has a calm way of speaking.”  



“I learned some new concepts. The pace of the workshop was perfect. I love the clarity of thoughts and that it was interactive.” 

Mahwish Khan, USA

“I loved this workshop. Anu makes you super relaxed. There is no judgment here.  All participants were genuinely helpful.


A portion of my earnings are donated towards foster care homes in India.